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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


What is wrong wif this people?

Today, I see that my perspective is not akin to some. At this point, I am at the peak where I see disgrace on the lack of understanding by some people and their disrespectful reactions on others' personal views. No matter how things can be potentially dangerous, I want to talk about life, human behavior, love, death, fate, being true to one's self and the balanced state of giving. I carry time to discover, look up and look down, sing, weep, say what is on my mind and to pray.

I offer my mind and heart to people, secrets and freedom.

Nothing to gain out of this entry except to express my feelings.

PU3 Nora was feeling lonely at 6:38 PM

Blowing A Kissr u n n i n g a w a y


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to do list of a loner


wish list of a loner



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