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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I am a person who enjoys my food (in a bad way, I guess) Especially when I luv to pamper myself eith desserts and junk food. Bad news is, this month I’ve exceeded my expenses on food alone. And, thts bad, bad habit. Thks to my ‘muk’ sis who recommends me with the ‘heavenly’ sweet stuffs whenever im with her. And im obsessed to it. But thks to the new year resolution that me n Jijah (hoping to pull others, dun pretend dunno ya) have decided to drag our heavy bodies to our newly renovated MND gym (instructor included). No doubt that it was way beyond better than the previous gym. More machines to cater our needs. Satisfactory. Oh well, there’ll sure be a next time.

PU3 Nora was feeling lonely at 1:12 AM

Blowing A Kissr u n n i n g a w a y


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wish list of a loner



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