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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Im Loving It!

Couldn't Be BetterKudos to McDonalds for introducing a 24/7 delivery wif no minimum order. Cool! Although McDonalds may not be my fav fast food grabs but they definitely do haf the best breakfast.Waiter Breakfast delivery starts at 4am! And here i am writing, clock strikes 5am, anxious me who can't sleep called and place my 1st McDonald's delivery order. Is tht crazy? Well yeah, i actually ordered pancakesPancakes. No, not for any kids at home..but for me lah! Having sweet toothed early in the morning...n no im not kidding. lol. And of course, not forgetting big breakfast for my mummy.
Although not presentable but indeed a hearty breakfast at home...tuck in..

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PU3 Nora was feeling lonely at 1:10 AM

Blowing A Kissr u n n i n g a w a y


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wish list of a loner



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