Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bbrrr..it was a cold day. Terrible jam! Bus came darn late..Taxi nowhere to be seen. It was a wet wet morning! Hot coffee became so much tastier ...eyes feels so much comfy. But shucks! Wake up! got to work. Oh my, gimme a break..got to prepare the oncoming task. Oh wel1, i dun get paid 4 nothing aint i! lol
Feel like going somwhere out of the country for a short hols. Wats not to like? But dun feel safe to go anywhere for now. gush, gush. Sigh, i can only afford to imagine myself relaxing in a hammock wif a soda and a beautiful scenic view ahead of me...not forgetting tht can cure myopia too..ahakz. oh me! dun start now
Hey, found this cute cross stitch kittie bkmark i bought long ago. And so, I managed 2 find a time to stitch it. Felt the sudden urge to be arty..haha. Yeah, im half done..im still on my way to stitch the flowers above it..luv it!
PU3 Nora was feeling lonely
at 8:41 AM
r u n n i n g a w a y