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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Today, sum1 has proved to me of wat i believe ' put in tht person shoes and u'll understand how it feels' before being judgemental and negative thots towards a person. PLS, tht has to GO already.U dun disagree towards sumthing which U, urself do likewise and sum1 juz showed me the same. Dissapointed yet contented. U see, its always easy to talk abt ppl when u were never in tht position until u urself became one. Sum1 say sumthing which bothers me a lil, oh well, WHO CARES! 'A person who calls sum1 a retard is the retard itself' get it? Honz, thks for being such a darlz to me today......so far ..lol ;)

PU3 Nora was feeling lonely at 8:37 AM

Blowing A Kissr u n n i n g a w a y


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