Monday, May 30, 2005
Im juz feeling:
Feeling rant.
Sigh, today skip werk, took urgent leave coz my head feelin kind of heavy due to yesterday's fever..
Sum1's not happy, i understand how u feel n how bitter it taste..i wish i could help, like wat i say, there's no sweeter words than 'i told u so'.
Make up ur mind for its such a waste for sum1 so nice could end up breaking the frenship.
Im praising a loving couple and getting emotional abt looking forward for the happy endings..oh snap!
So pathetic i am for imagining the impossible..but its not 2 bad after all..its juz a habit.
Adoring agelina jolie for her beauty..luv her in the movie 'Mr & Mrs beautiful!
Oh shucks! my back hurts...i guess back to rest now.
PU3 Nora was feeling lonely
at 8:32 AM
r u n n i n g a w a y